What this course is about:

This is a two-year course that aims to develop students’ knowledge, understanding and skills of the principles of sport and physical activity.

You will gain an insight to the sports sector, opening opportunities for experience to take with you in your future career, whether that be for
employment or further education. This course consists of a range of assessments, including unit exams, assignments and work projects.

What you will study:

• Body systems and the effects of physical activity
• Sports coaching and activity leadership
• Sports organisation and development
• Organisation of sports events
• Practical skills in sport and physical activity
• Sports Injuries

How you will be assessed:

Students are required to sit a combination of external examinations and coursework which is marked internally and externally moderated.

What it will prepare you for:

When taken alongside other L3 courses / A-levels this course can help the student to progress to further education. It will open opportunities for
the students to apply for apprenticeships in the sports sector, as it covers hands on experience working with young children in sports and physical activity.

As the sports sector is huge there are many careers on offer, such as:
• Personal trainer
• Sports coach
• PE teacher
• Physiotherapist