Our most able students will be able to complete the Extended Project Qualification. This is equivalent to an AS qualification and is looked upon favourably by all university admissions teams. It carries UCAS points.
Year 12 and 13
Ongoing throughout the academic year, subject to review in consultation with members of All Saints Sixth Form College Board.
- Student Cookery
- Keep Fit
- Sport – Football/Gym
- Sixth Form Football Team
- Driving Test Theory
- Languages for Business – Spanish/Mandarin MOOCs
- Teaching Assistant Qualification/Pre Teaching Award
- Opportunities for volunteering
- Enterprise
- First Aid
- Sign Language
- Debating
- Dealing with stress/anxiety/mental health and well-being
Work Experience
In addition to the week, to be completed by all year 12 students, there will be an opportunity for some students to attend a work placement one day per week as a requirement of their study programme.