How does the tutor system work?
Students are placed into a tutor group according to the year they are in. There are approximately 20 students in each tutor group. As far as possible, form tutors will remain with their tutor group throughout sixth form. Tutors will meet regularly with students in their tutor group.
There is a planned tutorial programme which includes PSHE, study skills and progression following sixth form. There is a dedicated Careers Manager who meets regularly with students.
Attendance is monitored by Form Tutors and Heads of Year.
How is my son/daughter’s progress monitored?
A subject progress review is undertaken four times per year. Information is sent to parents at the end of each Progress Review. There is a formal parent’s consultation evening in December of each year. Mock examinations take place in February each year. In addition, following each Progress Review, students will discuss their progress with their Form Tutor, Head of Year or Head of Sixth Form.
Parents are encouraged to contact the College to make an appointment to see the Head of Year or Head of Sixth Form if they are concerned about their son/daughter’s progress. College staff will contact parents if there are any concerns about a student’s progress or wellbeing.
How do you support students with specific needs?
The College welcomes all students who meet the normal admissions criteria and is committed to ensuring that all reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that students with additional support needs are able to achieve their potential. Wherever possible, we will discuss the resources and help that are appropriate with the student, parents or carers, and professionals who have previously provided support, before the student enrolls at the College. If your son/daughter has a learning difficulty or disability which has not already been discussed, please contact our SENCO.
How do I find out about the process of applying to university?
The process of applying to university begins in June of Year 12, when students will register with UCAS. At this time an information booklet will be issued to parents which outlines the process and provides information on key dates and deadlines.
During the Autumn Term a parent information meeting will be held. A representative from Student Finance England will be available at this meeting.
For more information please see:
How do I find out about the process of applying for an apprenticeship?
Our dedicated Employability Manager will guide students through the process of applying for apprenticeships. An information booklet will be issued to parents which outlines the process and provides advice and guidance. An appointment may also be made with the Employability Manager during the College day. He is also available at the parents’ consultation evening.
For more information please see: